Product service system design
Fisheal is a simplified system of fixed shared rods in Islington designed to foster connections between residents and local waterways. We aim to encourage residents to fish by reducing barriers to fishing participation and enhancing knowledge about native and non-native species, along with addressing concerns regarding the environmental impacts of fishing. Our mission is to make fishing a blast by making it easy, while also educating people about local fish, biodiversity, and responsible angling. Fisheal is equipped with a Species Identification System to collect data on aquatic species for environmental conservation and public education. The system includes a bait vending machine and a retractable fishing rod with a barbless hook, using bait sustainably sourced from the waste of local fishmongers to ensure ethical fishing. In conclusion, our team aims to elevate a holistic experience by combining innovation, education, and community engagement through this project, fostering responsible fisheries and environmental protection.
My part: research, ideation, 3D modeling, modeling, UI design